Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Embassy in the UAE
Social MissionsRobinson Mission
![]() The objective of the Robinson Mission is to eradicate illiteracy, by applying programs that facilitate the access to education for all Venezuelans in different levels. This mission uses an innovative pedagogical audiovisual system to provide for a better learning experience. Robinson II Mission ![]() The foundation of this program is to provide the Venezuelan people with the opportunity to pass the sixth grade of primary education, with the goal of consolidating the knowledge acquired during the literacy teaching and providing various training models to conduct diverse skilled labor. This mission uses a method called "I can keep going", which consists in using televisions, audio and supporting brochures, with the guidance of a facilitator that conducts the teaching experience in groups of 15 participants. Ribas Mission ![]() Ribas Mission has the goal of helping every person that has been unable to complete High School, benefiting the citizens that, regardless of age, still want to complete their secondary education. This mission provides the future graduates with the education needed to address the problems of their communities and to participate in the development of the national production apparatus. This mission has the logistic support of the President of PDVSA and the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. Sucre Mission ![]() This is an initiative from the Venezuelan State and the Bolivarian Government which main objective is to promote institutional synergy and community participation, to guarantee that every high school graduate can have access to a college education and transform the conditions of those excluded from the higher education sub-system Barrio Adentro Mission ![]() This mission's general objective is to guarantee that the excluded population can have access to health services, by using a comprehensive health management model geared towards achieving a better standard of living with the creation of medical centers and popular clinics as well as "the people's hospitals" among communities that have limited access to health coverage. This mission provides prescription drugs, dental coverage and optical services free of charge. Barrio Adentro II The objective of this mission is to create a Center for Integral Diagnosis, with facilities that are conditioned with basic equipment to conduct diagnosis: X rays machines, electrocardiogram machines, ultrasounds, and laboratories, among others. These centers guarantee medial emergency assistance and basic diagnosis studies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ![]() Alimentacion Mission ![]() The objective of this mission is to guarantee Venezuelans access to good nutrition, in a timely and efficient manner, by using a synergic commercial and social food distribution network that can reach the less-favored sectors of the population. The Agricultural Supply and Services Corporation (CASA in Spanish), Food Markets (MERCAL in Spanish), the Foundation of Strategic Food Programs (FUNDAPROAL in Spanish), Café Venezuela, and the recently incorporated Office of the Superintendent of Silos form this network; all of which are fundamental entities conducting this mission's works. The Alimentacion Mission is part of a government policy influenced by the new socialism. For this reason it incorporates small businesses and cooperatives as suppliers for the CASA Corporation and the MERCAL network, stimulating both the generation of new sources of empl Vuelvan Caras Mission ![]() This mission was created to eradicate poverty by fighting unemployment. The government has had to implement employment programs that have included the creation of cooperatives for specific activities. With this mission, opportunities have been granted for millions of unemployed citizens to develop skills in various areas of production and services, providing paid training for productive employment. Additionally access to credit and employment opportunities in the public sector have been facilitated. Hábitat Mission ![]() www.mhv.gob.ve/habitat/pag/program ![]() This is an initiative to address the needs of the indigenous peoples and communities, respecting and promoting their social, political, economical and cultural organization as well as their costumes, languages, religions, habitat and original rights to the ancestral lands that they traditionally occupy and that are needed to develop and guarantee their lifestyles as demanded by the Constitution. One of the Mission's essential responsibilities is to guarantee agricultural food security and provide a harmonious and sustainable development for these communities, framed in the visions of ethnical development. Zamora Mission ![]() Piar Mission ![]() Identidad Mission ![]() Miranda Mission ![]() Cultura Mission ![]() The Cultura Mission Foundation, which is ascribed to the Ministry of Culture, was created as an alternative for reinforcing the national identity of citizens in the Venezuelan territory. This initiative is framed in the process of decentralizing, democratizing and broadening the Venezuelan culture, with the goal of providing academic and employment alternatives for the population. Árbol Mission ![]() Negra Hipólita Mission ![]() Ciencia Mission ![]() It promotes the massive incorporation and articulation of social and institutional actors by economic, social, academic and political networks for the intensive and extensive use of the knowledge related to the endogenous development and Latin American integration. This program promotes interaction among the country's productive sectors, stimulating the socialization of knowledge for unifying efforts and consolidating the strategic guidelines for the creation of a new economic and productive system. Madres del Barrio Mission ![]() ![]() |