Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
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Doing Business in Venezuela• How to Export/Import
• How to Invest Exports/Imports to Venezuela • Procedure • Customs Regime (SENIAT) • Agencies • Trade and Industry Associations • Binational Chambers of Commerce • Trade Agreements (Commercial and Integration Agreements) • Venezuela's Export Directory • VenExport Venezuelan Industry Directory • Financing Imports from Venezuela Procedure: The Ministry of Production and Commerce requires no permits or initial procedures for foreign investors to enter the export-import business. Once companies comply with the requirements of a mercantile character necessary to operate in the country, if they wish to export, they must present the following documents: • Customs Declaration of Exportation Manifest (registered in the Ministry of Finance) • Transportation Document • Definitive Commercial Invoice According to the type of export, the features of the product and the conditions of the destination market, the following additional requirements may be necessary: • Export License (Joint Resolution of the Ministries of Finance, Development and Agriculture and Livestock - Center for Direct Attention to the Exporter). • Sanitary Certificate (Registration by the Health Ministry). • Phytosanitary Certificate (Agriculture and livestock Ministry, and Vegetal Sanitation Offices of ports and airports, with 72 hours of anticipation). • Zoosanitary Certificate (Processed at the Center for Direct Attention to the Exporter). • Exporter Registry: Not mandatory for exporting, but with the companies' registration the MPC shall update its Directory of Venezuelan Exporters with information about the companies that export non-traditional products. (Center for Direct Attention to the Exporter). Agencies Ministry of Production and Trade - MPC / Ministerio de la Producción y el Comercio The Ministry of Production and Trade (MPC) answers questions regarding trade and import regulations as well as export, and Publishes The Venezuelan Exporters Directory. Department: Center for Direct Attention to the Exporter (Centro Atencion Directa al Exportador-CADEX) Commercial Promoters (Promotores de Comercio). Address: Avenida Libertador, Centro Comercial Los Cedros, PB, Local 9, La Florida, Caracas Phone numbers:(58-212) 531-0009 / 0016 / 0017 / 0035 / 0039 / 0026 Fax number:(58-212) 71-54-60 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. SENIAT (Venezuelan IRS) Customs Management Office Phone: (58-212) 7092702 / 2600 / 2607 / 2516 Fax: (58-212) 7092715 / 2719 Web Page: http://www.seniat.gov.ve Financing Imports from Venezuela If your company plans to import Venezuelan non-oil related goods of services regularly or for a specific project or investment you can obtain financing from BANCOEX. BANCOEX is a Venezuelan financial institution aimed at fostering Venezuelan exports. In addition to financing, BANCOEX can provide you with necessary assistance to contact Venezuelan exporters. Visit the BANCOEX WEB site www.bancoex.com or send an e-mail to exports@bancoex.com to learn more about their services or gather information on Venezuelan companies and products. ![]() |