Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Embassy in the UAE
English | Spanish


The Constitution of 1961 allowed reelection of the President only 10 years after he had concluded his first term, which he held for five years. In the new Constitution, the official term is extended to six years, and the President may be reelected immediately and once for an additional term. The President's mandate, as well as all the official position and magistracies, may be revoked by referendum.

The figures of executive Vice President is created as an organ of direct, close cooperative with the President in the functions of chief of the Executive Power, as well as the figure of the State Council, as a superior organ of consultation of the government and Public Administration. The Vice President heads this latter entity, composed by another eight persons, five of which are designated by the President and the other three by the National Assembly, a one-chamber legislative organ composed by deputies. The Vice-President represents the President during his absences up to 90 days, which can be extended for a further 90 days by the National Assembly.

The President can dissolve the National Assembly if the latter fails to ratify on 3 occasions within one constitutional period the designated Vice-President. Should this event arise, elections will have to be held for a new legislative within 60 days following the dissolution. The National Assembly cannot be dissolved in the last year of its constitutional period.

Amongst the most important duties of the President, the following should be pointed out:

• To direct the government

• To appoint and remove the Vice-President and Ministers

• To dictate foreign policy

• To sign international treaties

• To direct the Armed Forces

• To declare state of emergency

• To dictate decrees which have the force of law

• To regulate laws

• To administer Public Finances

• To celebrate treaties of national interest

• To appoint the General Solicitor and the Heads of Diplomatic Missions

• To formulate economic policies

• To grant reprieves

• To determine the number, organization and competence of the ministries

• To dissolve the National Assembly

• To call referenda

• To convoke and preside the National Defense Council

Simon Bolivar

Liberator of Venezuela
Statistics on Confiscations
and Detainees at Venezuelan

2002 - 2006 (PDF)

Drugs Fighting