Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Embassy in the UAE
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Venezuela for kids

Free Education

Education in Venezuela is free, universal and compulsory. Approximately 20% of the national budget is assigned to education, one of the highest percentages in the world. The literacy rate is 89.5%.

Through the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Venezuelan government provides education at all levels.

There are nine years of elementary school, two to three years of secondary school, and three to five years of university or technological studies.

Private schools operate with a license from the Ministry of Education. Approximately 9 percent of the labor force is university-trained.

There are 26 universities, both national and private, and over 74 institutes of higher learning, colleges and polytechnic institutes where students can pursue over 180 different fields of fessions.


Simon Bolivar

Liberator of Venezuela
Statistics on Confiscations
and Detainees at Venezuelan

2002 - 2006 (PDF)

Drugs Fighting